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How do I add an unsubscribe link in my email?

Email Marketing SupportClient Login

Allowing your recipients to unsubscribe from your campaign with a single-click is best practice and is required. To add an unsubscribe link to your campaign, you have two options:

  1. Plain text emails: Add the '[unsubscribe]' tag in your email campaign.The system will automatically convert the tag into a personalized unsubscribe link.
  2. HTML emails: Insert the tags '<unsubscribe>' and '</unsubscribe>' around the words you would like to become an unsubscribe link in the HTML source of your campaign. We will automatically convert the tags into a personalized unsubscribe link.

You can also customize the page that someone is redirected to when they Unsubscribe. Just click on "Unsubscribe Options" from your Subscribe list page and add the URL of your own unsubscribe page under "Redirect unsubscribers to your own confirmation page".

This page also allows you to add an unsubscribe form to your own web site. Just copy and paste the supplied HTML and you're done.

Add inline CSS to your unsubscribe link

By adding a style="" attribute to the unsubscribe tag, we will automatically add that inline CSS to the unsubscribe link for each of your recipients.

For example, let's say we want to make our unsubscribe link blue and in size 11 font. We'd use the following code:

<unsubscribe style="font-size:11px; color:#4fb5e9;">Unsubscribe</unsubscribe> from our monthly newsletter list

This will create an unsubscribe link that looks like:

<a href="" style="font-size:11px; color:#4fb5e9;">Unsubscribe</a> from our monthly newsletter.

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  • Updated: Saturday 19th Oct 2024