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How do I add a forward-to-a-friend link to my campaigns?

Email Marketing SupportClient Login

A forward to a friend link encourages your recipients to pass your campaign around to other friends and colleagues.

When a recipient clicks your forward to a friend link, they are taken to a simple page (pictured below) where they can specify the names and email addresses of up to 5 friends at a time to send your campaign to. This page is non-branded and located at our domain.

The best part is, you can track who is forwarding your campaign and how many people they are forwarding to from your campaign reports.

Forward To My Friend

How can I do it?

Adding a forward to a friend link is as simple as adding the following tag to the content of your campaign:

HTML emails

<forwardtoafriend>your link text or image here</forwardtoafriend>

Text emails


When your campaign is sent, these links will automatically be converted into a custom forward to a friend link.

Add inline CSS to your forward to a friend link

By adding a style="" attribute to the forward to a friend tag, we will automatically add that inline CSS to the link for each of your recipients.

For example, let's say we want to make our forward to a friend link blue and in size 11 font. We'd use the following code:

<forwardtoafriend style="font-size:11px; color:#4fb5e9;">Forward this email to a friend</forwardtoafriend>

This will create a forward to a friend link that will look like:

<a href="" style="font-size:11px; color:#4fb5e9;">Forward this email to a friend</a>

How do I measure these forwards?

If you send a campaign with a forward to a friend link, a Forward to a Friend Activity Report is available in your campaign reports. This report lists all the recipients that forwarded your email, as well as how many people they forwarded it to.

Please note that this report will only be available after a recipient forwards your campaign.

Customize the look-and-feel of your Forward to a Friend page

You can completely customize the look of this page to match your clients branding. On a per client basis you can add a header image, change the default font, give the page a new background color etc. Jump into the "Manage Clients" section, click on the client you want to update and you'll see a new 'Customize the Forward to a Friend page' option.

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  • Updated: Monday 24th Feb 2025